5 Ways to Promote Your Lash Work On Social Media

Jan 17, 2020

5 Ways to Promote Your Lash Work On Social Media

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January 17, 2020

As a lash artist, the only way for your business to thrive is by getting more clients. You could be exceptionally skilled at what you do but without the right marketing efforts, it can be hard for you to showcase your skills and attract more customers.

The good news is, thanks to the internet, today, you shouldn’t need to struggle so hard to find new clients. Social media has become the most popular platform in the world. You can use social media as a tool to reach out to many people with as little as a single post. If you are active on any social media platform, chances are you have come across businesses marketing their products and services there.

You, too, can do the same for your lash business. Today we’re going to be giving you 5 helpful tips on how to promote your lash work on social media.

Why Social Media?

Before we get to the specifics, you are probably wondering why social media and not other platforms. Well, there are several answers to this question. One thing you need to know is that social media has tons of potential new customers! Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have millions of users and many of them are highly interested in beauty products and services.
This huge database, if targeted correctly, can reach many potential viewers and convert them into loyal customers. All you have to do is showcase your work and advertise. Another reason why you should choose social media to promote your lash work is that it is affordable.

Advertising on TV, Radio, and print is expensive. With social media, you don’t even need to spend a single dollar if you’re smart about how to connect with your audience. You can open an account for your lash business, get followers, and start promoting your lash work. Even if you do decide to spend a little money on your social media efforts, it is far cheaper than traditional advertising or even things like Google Pay-Per-Click.

Now that you fully understand why social media is an excellent place for you to promote your business, let’s get to the tips you can use to ensure you are successful.

1. Post Before and After Photos

We all know that getting lashes makes us look gorgeous and adorable. But, online, the proof is in the photo! When it comes to marketing, you need to arouse desire from your audience. And this is where before and after lash photos come in.

Before and after photos allows you to create a spark amongst potential clients. They put themselves in the shoes of the person in the picture and imagine how great they would look after getting a new set of lashes.

To do this, you will need to work with your current clients. Before you fix lashes on them, ask to take a photo before the process and then take another picture after. Post it on your social media accounts and you should start to see some reactions come in from your group.

Another pro tip – ask if you can tag your client in the photo. What this does is tap into their friend circle. Suddenly, your beautiful work is now being exposed to their entire social circle without any of them ever having to like your post. You’re essentially getting exposure to their entire social circle for free.

2. Post Live Videos of You Offering The Service

When promoting your lash business on social media, the content you post matters a lot. For instance, when you share live videos of you offering these services, it creates excitement amongst viewers. At the same time, viewers get to understand the process of having lashes and learn a new thing or two. At the end of the video, you can always put a call to action, asking viewers to make an appointment.

Of course, not everyone is going to be open to having their service posted live on Facebook so make sure to find the right client with an open mind. If you’re having a hard time finding someone, remember that you can always offer a discount or even a free service in exchange for the marketing. If you do offer the service for free we recommend that you pick someone with a large social media following or social circle so that at the very least you’re getting more exposure than someone who isn’t active online.

3. Spice Up Your Content

As you brace yourself to start promoting your lash work online, you need to be prepared for competition. It is for this particular reason that you need to be keen on your content. It needs to be spiced up so that it draws the attention of viewers. You can achieve this by using high-quality graphics and good lighting.
You might be tempted to use a lot of filters, but we strongly advise against this. The online world is quite ‘woke’, and they can easily spot an exaggerated filter from a mile away. Stick to taking shots of lashes from different angles and asking your model to pose accordingly.

If you’re going to be taking photos on a regular basis, which we highly recommend, you should consider investing in a simple lighting kit that would work with your phone or camera. Ring lights and softboxes are both great tools for beauty shots and can be found for a modest investment on amazon, ebay, and other places online.

The other benefit of having these lights on hand is that you can take beauty shots of your customers that they will love to share since they’ll look a lot more professional.

4. Interact

Unlike other marketing tools, social media is quite interactive. You can use this to your advantage and build better relationships with your clients. You can do this by creating personalized messages and responding positively to your client’s feedback.

Don’t just resort to posting photos of your work constantly, ask your audience a question. Consider posting photos of lash services gone wrong by amateurs or funny photos related to beauty.

Anything to stir up a conversation. The second someone comments on a post or photo they become infinitely more engaged. Try to inspire dialogue.

5. Use Hashtags and Influencers If Possible

Through hashtags, clients can easily find your business and know the services you offer. For instance, under your posts, you can use your location hashtag as well as that of the type of lashes available. Don’t forget to make your lash social media page public so that everyone can view your brand.

If hashtags don’t bring in the desired number of clients, influencers can help make you more popular. The downside is that you will have to pay them for their services. If your budget allows it, influencers can really get your business out there.

One way to try to make sure that using influencers is a win-win is to try to negotiate what’s called a cost-per-action or a CPA instead of a flat-rate fee. The way this works is that instead of paying the influencer a flat fee to post something about your service, you would pay them per reservation or call to your business. In order to set this up appropriately, you’ll probably have to use a digital service that can track these numbers but if the influencer has a large local following this could net them more revenue for their efforts and ensure that you never pay them without results

The Bottom Line

Social media is the cheapest, quickest, and easiest marketing tool that you can use to promote your lash work. Setting up a profile for your business only takes a few minutes. Although it may take some time to establish dominance and command a huge following, at the end of the day, you will attract more clients to your business and having an active social media following can be your number one source of new business.


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